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How To Stop Bed Wetting

QUESTION: How to stop bed wetting - What are the latest techniques?


Techniques to stop bed-wetting have made huge advances over the years and are most effective when administered by understanding, compassionate, patient parents or guardians. Today, doctors have a variety of effective solutions that can be used alone or in combination to assist parents in resolving the bed-wetting issue. Testimonials provide a guide to the effectiveness of these techniques and treatments.

Some treatments to stop bed-wetting include behavioral therapies, such as motivational programs (rewards for staying dry) and guided imagery (thinking dry bed thoughts). Conditioning therapies like bed-wetting alarms and anti-diuretic medication have also proven effective. These medications work by slowing down the kidney's production of urine during hours of rest. Exercises help increase bladder capacity through strengthening the resting tone of the bladder muscles.

Different types of alarms are often effective in retraining the brain of the person troubled with bed-wetting. Among the most popular alarms are the silent ones that vibrate, waking only the individual being treated out of a deep sleep when the bed gets soaked. In time, the brain is retrained to awaken automatically before wetting the bed and enabling the person to get to the bathroom in time.

Bed-wetting medications are also effective, especially when used in combination with an alarm. Anti-diuretic medicines that come in a nasal spray or tablet form are some of the newest treatments. Since the newer nasal sprays do not have to be kept refrigerated, it's easier for the child to attend extended camp activities or sleepovers. These medications should always be recommended by a physician or pediatrician. Every three months, have the physician adjust the medication to see if the child can stay dry through the night. Tests should also be done to rule out diseases like diabetes, small bladder, or urinary tract infection.

Learn More About Bed Wetting Now!

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